Update: When possible, the Elmer Borough Hall will be open to the public as of May 2021.
Face masks and social distancing are required within the building.
Press Release: Covid-19 Update for the Borough of Elmer
The Borough of Elmer Emergency Management Coordinators are providing updates on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ElmerOEM/ and Borough information is located on the Borough web site at www.elmerboroughnj.com. We thank the public for patience as we work through these difficult times.
Joseph P. Stemberger, Mayor
The Borough of Elmer received a New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Small Cities Grant to make improvements to the Borough Hall to comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Construction at the Borough Hall will be occurring late 2020 through 2021 involving both interior and exterior renovations. The library ramp and sidewalks will be replaced and a new parking lot area will be paved so access to the building may be altered during construction.
The Borough of Elmer Water Department is currently conducting lead and copper sampling as required every 3 years by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). The NJDEP has approved 10 - 20 Borough locations to receive the lead and copper sampling bottles. If you receive a sampling kit please follow the directions on the flyer, and if you have any questions contact the phone number listed. Each participant will receive their results. Thank you for your cooperation!