Elmer, New Jersey
"The Small Town with the Big Welcome"

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Elmer Water Department

Elmer Borough Water Department

Consulting Engineer Services – Water Department Manager Phone 856-628-0867

 Call to connect to a water main, report a water leak, or ask questions about water meters or water quality.

Email:  cmr-environmental@comcast.net 

The Borough of Elmer Water Department is currently conducting lead and copper sampling as required every 3 years by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). The NJDEP has approved 10 - 20 Borough locations to receive the lead and copper sampling bottles. If you receive a sampling kit please follow the directions on the flyer, and if you have any questions contact the phone number listed. Each participant will receive their results. Thank you for your cooperation!


James V. Davis

Billing Questions and Payments can be made

at the Borough Hall

Office Hours:  

Tuesdays: 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Voice Mail checked often, please leave detailed messages.

Phone: 856-358-4010 X116

Fax:  856-358-4870

Email:  collector@elmerboroughnj.com

Make Water Payments On-line Here

Elmer Water Department