Elmer, New Jersey
"The Small Town with the Big Welcome"

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Borough Council

2019 Borough Council

Rules Adopted for Council 2022

Rule 1. The Council shall meet for organization on the 1st day of January or during the first seven (7) days in January in any year at the call of the incoming Mayor. The Council shall meet to organize and appoint three members to serve on each of the following committees: Finance/ Celebration of Public Events, Streets/Sidewalks, Public Safety, Borough Hall Property, Water/Street Lights, and Trash/Parks and Playgrounds. Thereafter, regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the second Wednesday evening of each month at seven-thirty o’clock. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Mayor, and shall be called at the written request of four or more members, written notice to be given to each member by the Borough Clerk of all special meetings. In the absence of the Mayor, the President shall take the chair; if both shall be absent (provided four members are present) a member shall be chosen chairman and the meeting opened promptly at the set time. A quorum shall consist of any four members of Council, or three members and the Mayor.

Rule 2.  All motions and votes shall be decided by yes and no vote, the Clerk calling the roll alphabetically starting with the Council President, except in electing persons to office, when a vote by ballot shall be taken upon demand of any member of Council. The maker of all motions and the one who seconds the same shall appear on the minutes. 

Rule 3. At a meeting of Council the following order of business shall be observed unless dispensed with by two-thirds vote.

First - Call to order by Mayor or Chair.
Second - Meetings open with invocation and pledge of allegiance.
Third - Roll call of members.
Fourth - Reading the minutes of the last regular meeting and all subsequent meetings.
Fifth - Unfinished business. 
Sixth - New business.
Seventh - Reports of committees, standing, and special 
Eighth - Adjournment.

On the first day of January at 12:00 noon of each year, except when it falls on a Sunday, at which time it will be the second day, the Council shall meet to organize and appoint three members to serve on each of the following committees: Finance|Celebration of Public Events, Streets, Public Safety, Borough Hall Property, Water|Street Lights, and Trash|Parks and Playgrounds.

Regular Borough Council Meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., prevailing time at the Elmer Borough Hall, Elmer, NJ, at which time Borough Council shall discuss and formally act upon all business matter.  Regular Meetings of the Borough Council shall be held on the following dates:

January 5, 2022

February 9, 2022  

March 9, 2022  

April 13, 2022  

May 11, 2022

June 8, 2022  

July 13, 2022

August 10, 2022

September 14, 2022

October 12, 2022

November 9, 2022

December 14, 2022

Committees of Council

Finance|Celebration of Public Events:  *Schalick, Schneider, Foster
Streets: *Foster, Schalick, Schneider
Public Safety: *Schneider, Zee, Foster
Borough Hall Property: *Davis, Schalick, Nolan
Water|Street Lights: *Zee, Davis, Nolan
Trash|Parks and Playgrounds: *Nolan, Davis, Zee


Borough Council

Meeting Minutes